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tv   ABC7 News 430AM  ABC  October 16, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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that's what's captioned by closed captioning services, inc. good tuesday morning. thank you so much for waking us, thanks for joining us i'm kristen sze. i'm eric thomas. developing news from san carlos. firefighters are mopping up and looking for the cause of a huge warehouse fire. katie marzullo is on the scene. >> reporter: that business is the 24 hour fitness gym. there was no damage inside. the fire was next door at the restaurant supply. 12:30 firefighters got the call. they arrived to find fire inside. the catch was the only way in
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and out usually the cause with an industrial area like this the front door was the only way in and out. there was so much stuff inside it made the fire stubborn and fighting it dangerous for firefighters. >> with just the normal stacking material in some buildings there's always the possibility of falling over then compromised by fire it -- we have to be aware of the fact that our firefighters could be injured. thankfully none were injured. >> reporter: the deputy chief tells me by law they have to have an extra three-man crew outside in case firefighters need to be rescued. they doubled that crew to six. they have a lot of cleanup, a lot of smoke damage the chief tells me if not for the ler system inside the fire would have -- sprinkler system
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inside the fire would have been worse. katie marzullo, abc7 news. waking up to fog. drive through any? >> i didn't see any this morning. hopefully it helped the fires. lisa argen is here. we don't have much in the way of fog south end of the bay patches at the airport fremont live doppler 7 hd in san jose, otherwise not only are we almost fog-free in spots look at these temperatures 72 antioch, 62 fremont, 61 redwood city. 63 half moon bay. we are starting out warm. 55 in san jose, we are looking at temperatures warmer than yesterday we are going to start out with the warmth and even warmer with upper 70s around the bay mid 80s inland and we haven't gotten to our offshore flow yet. good morning. fog-free on the golden gate
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bridge. roadwork north section slow traffic there confined to the south part of the bridge as you head into san francisco light traffic. roadwork throughout marin county. cortamadera to mill valley until 6:00 this morning. 280, 85 roadwork both ramps. 280 shutdown until 6 a.m. police activity valencia street in san francisco. federal search agencies continue to look for pilot and plane that took off from half moon bay 24 hoursing aheaded for tucson, arizona but did not show up. the pilot's wife reported the plane missing. tail number n 72 ah. airport officials at half moon bay confirm the plane is not on the property, faa ordered search.
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registered owner is a man from florida it is not clear if he was flying the plane. police in the north bay are searching for whomever shot a man in an apartment complex last night. santa rosa police were called out around 9:00 after they received a report of shooting. when officers arrived they found a man with a gunshot wound to the stomach. his condition is not known. police say they were searching for a 2012 jeep believed to be involved. big night for giants they ended up evening things up one game appease against the cardinals before moving on to st. louis. they may have lost, we hope not, the overly aggressive slide really controversial. he suffered a hip injury and had to leave the game.
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[ unintelligible ] battery of tests being done. lilian kim has reaction from fans. [ screaming ] >> reporter: for fans it is game two victory big deal for the first time this post-season they could leave the park happy. [ screaming ] >> reporter: people brought lucky charms from shoes. >> they win most of the games i go to. >> who -- >> reporter: others came hoping over-the-top outfit was make a difference. >> i'm super fan all about orange october. >> reporter: all of it paid off. the giants scored in the first strong lead in the fourth. those who watched --
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[ inaudible ] >> she told me to come in and that's when we scored the run. >> reporter: game three 1 p.m. wednesday not -- no doubt some will be calling in sick to watch. lilian kim, abc7 news. you need four games out of seven, game three tomorrow st. louis 1 p.m. our time, thursday 5 p.m. pacific time, friday game five begins at 5 p.m. our time in st. louis. your voice, your vote. three weeks before the election voters are looking forward to tonight's second presidential debate. president obama and mitt romney meet in a town hall setting at hofstra university. questions will be asked by audience members selected by moderator candy crowley of cnn. we'll have a live report where
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t.j. winick tells us what is at stake. the debate is tonight we told you 6:00, we will carry it live right here. secretary of state hillary clinton taking responsibility for the security of the consulate in libya that came under deadly attack. four americans died this the september 11th, attack. republicans are blasting the administration. clinton says the security decisions were hers to make not the white house. >> i take responsibility. i'm in charge of the state department, 60,000 plus people all over the world, 275 posts. the president and the vice president certainly wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. >> the group responsible for the attack may be connected to al-qaeda. "good morning america" will have more coming up at 7:00
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right after our newscast. large crowds expected at memorial service for explain u.s. ambassador chris stevens at san francisco city hall today. mayor lee will greet friends, family and members of the public. senator feinstein, and the man assigned to investigate the killing are all expected to attend. the 4:30 p.m. memorial will be held in a city hall rotunda open to the public. i saw fog, perhaps not as much as yesterday. i guess things are going to be changing for the warmer. >> let's find out. good morning. we are looking at that warming trend to get going today, will continue i should say numbers in the 50s, 55 san jose, 72 antioch, 58 napa, cool valley, 62 oakland as well as san francisco, 61 mountain
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view and redwood city, mild 13° warmer in antioch than we were yesterday, 6 to 9° warmer this morning in concord san jose in the 50s still warmer than yesterday. fog around hayward and fremont this morning also coming up 280 towards the airport from the 50s to 60s, mild start this afternoon upper 60s to mid 80s. above normal and we will be looking at a very light breeze. by the evening pleasant with numbers slow to drop off into the 60s offshore flow gets going, temperatures today in the mid 80s. 90 tomorrow inland, low 90s by thursday. high fire danger, to last through the weekend. happy tuesday. live to the bay bridge toll, clear, metering lights off smooth sailing too san francisco, just the way we like. >> san mateo bridge same thing
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traffic flowing nicely between hayward and foster city bunching up towards the highrise at the limit, 15 minute drive from the east bay towards the peninsula. out of antioch now is a good time to be doing so traffic at the limit from antioch towards pittsburg into concord under 20 minutes for that stretch. if you are heading out of the central valley 205 tracy up and over the altamont good ride, under 15 minutes into the dublin pleasanton area valencia open between 16th and 17th. surprise development in the deadly san bruno pipeline explosion. next, the international heavyweight called to negotiate a punishment for pg&e. bear of a night a northern california neighborhood. why authorities are -- bear of a sight in a northern california neighborhood. microsoft now has its own
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music streaming service x-box music available now in the console and will come with windows 8 later this month. $10 a machine. nintendo cutting price of 6-year-old wii and will throw in two games for $130, new verse is coming next month for twice as much. both will be on sale for holidays. -- international trade group says u.s. subscribers pay more -- bumgarner's skydive, most viewers ever on youtube eight
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every time someone chooses finish over cascade, it sparks a movement. look ! no ugly spots ! and see that shine ! you've got to try finish. because once they try finish, they can't keep it to themselves. i'm switching for good. wow ! awesome ! finish is seriously good. cannot believe how great it works. incredible shine. i won't use anything else. love, love, love finish ! so far over a million neighbors, friends, and family have switched to finish. join the finish revolution. recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide.
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good tuesday morning. patchy fog shoreline, south of san jose and hayward this is mid october we're talking about mid 80s in livermore concord 83 vallejo 73 in the city mid 60s half moon bay across the country nice going to be a nice day and very few delays. former senator george mitchell will help pg&e and state regulators reach a settlement over the san bruno explosion. mitchell won the nobel peace prize for brokering a peace treaty in northern ireland. the cities of san bruno and san francisco and local consumer group have been unable to reap a deal on how much the utility should pay for its negligence. and whether stockholders or
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ratepayers should foot the bill. consumer group says it should have had a role in picking a mediator. officials check in on a 300 pound black bear refusing to come down from a tree in downtown placerville. it has been in the tree about 60 feet off the ground, sleeping and eating acorns. because it is near a preschool they need to be careful. >> the good news is it has posed zero threat to public safety, at this point, just hanging out the tree. >> locals and the town newspaper have come it to photograph the bear. trap was set up overnight and there's no word on whether that bear has been trapped in that trap. more americans at risk. new trouble at lab at the center of the meningitis outbreak. home sweet home, warriors
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show off waterfront property where they hope to be playing in few years. local group forms early warning system. cranberry cure. why scientists say popular folk remedy may not work. lysol knows the soft places we love
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could be home to bacteria. so use lysol disinfectant spray on soft surfaces everyday when you're cleaning up to kill 99.9% of bacteria. lysol. mission for health. good tuesday morning. three systems across the country one exiting northeast, second bringing chillier air to the midwest the end of the workweek the last one pacific northwest with highs in the 50s there. elsewhere patchy low clouds and fog around fremont, san jose and the airport. we'll see how that is going to impact your forecast and your commute, coming up. 4:48. port of oakland hired outside
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help to investigate stripper scandal. records indicated maritime director james kwan spent $4500 at a trip club in 2008. the port commissioners held a special session last night to discuss their next move. they also have begun an investigation into port expenditures. kwan is in china at another port conference. we like previews, warriors are showing off proposed future home in san francisco the team has unveiled concept design. architects say they placed 17,000 seat arena far from the sidewalk to preserve views of the bay. the pier will have docks for boats and kayaks. the design has not been finalized but will have that kind of a glass exterior look.
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the team plans to be playing there in five years. >> if you ever found a nasty note on your car you want to watch in next report. a group has come up with a more civilize way to tell your neighbors their parking job may not be perfect and it seems to be catching on. jonathan bloom explains many >> reporter: on the narrow seats of san francisco, drivers park bumper-to-bumper. >> you have to have a sense of humor to own a car in this town, because it is a challenge to drive, to park and to keep your cool. >> reporter: when neighbors lose their cool that's when amy says she starts finding nasty notes. >> next time you park, make sure you are not blocking my driveway. >> reporter: were you blocking the driveway? >> i was not. any idiot could have gotten out of that garage. >> reporter: the internet is littered with passive aggressive parking notes. you could argue these are the nice neighbors, the not so
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nice ones might call the parking patrol many now amy has something else on her car a sticker next to the plate. if you walk down the street you will see dozens of cars sporting the tiny logo. >> sticker indicates to the neighbors that they have -- they are part of the network. >> reporter: punch in the license plate number and you can send a short anonymous message to the car's owner, a free service created by neighbors. >> we are just trying to solve that problem how do you communicate with someone you don't know but you know their car is there and you want to reach them >> reporter: three hundred people have already registered. they hope neighbors will start looking fourth each other instead of writing nasty notes. jonathan bloom, abc7 news. >> i encountered a situation a week ago when i could have used that one car was blocking four cars parking behind them nobody could back up and we waited for five minutes before the guy came back.
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>> did he an apologize? >> no. -- that's what i figured. >> i had to bite my tongue there >> you didn't bite him. >> exactly. >> good example, you set. it is mild out there more 60s and 50s this morning and we are looking at calm winds, rapid warm-up and what fog you will have burn back quickly. doppler right now showing that we have the fog around hayward, sfo rain to the north from crescent city, mount shasta and the fog extends through san jose. we are still on track for offshore flow tomorrow and into thursday. right now 58 napa good morning san jose cool spot 55°, los gatos 57. 60s and 70s everywhere, 61 redwood city 63 half moon bay 72 antioch. you may not need the jacket
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depending on where you, 13° warmer in antioch, six in san francisco, santa rosa 12° of warming san jose a degree warmer. as you head out the fog will not last too long. sunshine warm us up and hot weather tomorrow and thursday. high pressure to the east of us cold front continues to bring rain into the pacific northwest. it is going to weaken, as it does, this area of high pressure expands as that happenses we are looking at the flow move from the land to the sea. -- even though we are going to get sea breeze today still on track for more warming today and then the dry winds take over tomorrow. the 80 san jose as well as cupertino, 83 los gatos, 76 san mateo, pacifica 68° downtown 73 north bay 82 petaluma 86 calistoga east bay
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70s, 78 oakland, 79 castro valley inland 83 dublin 87 antioch clear along the central coast later today mid 80s in gilroy 90s inland tomorrow low 90s thursday and cooling back as soon as friday. if you -- if your take you towards the macarthur maze, good ride. southern marin roadwork through cortamadera and larkspur. 80 flowing nicely, 580 and 88 free the east bay all looking good into the bay bridge toll. roadwork in san jose sunnyvale area northbound and southbound 280 and 85 ramps from both directions to 85 until 67 a.m. will be shutdown westbound dumbarton bridge roadwork
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until 5 a.m. slow from newark towards menlo park. eastbound 4 closed at loveridge roadwork until 5:30 slow westbound typical from antioch towards pittsburg. more americans are at risk from a meningitis outbreak. 15 people have died and doctors have seen more than 200 cases. regulators link the outbreak to a steroid used for spinal pain injections they believe three other drugs made by the same manufacturer could help spread meningitis. doctors have been ordered to contact all patients who may be affected. a report says forget what your mother may have told you about cranberry juice. benefits are very small. cranberries have been thought to prevent urinary tract infections.
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researchers say women would need to drink two glasses day for long periods to prevent one infection. humans living longer. researchers say in some cultures 70 is the new 30. new study shows human life span took a huge jump in the past century. researchers say the trends are almost sole fully environmental improvements as opposed to genetics. in japan they say the likelihood of a 72-year-old dying is the same as 30-year-old ancestors. flu season arrived, you probably heard the recommendations to get a vaccine. new study warns the vaccines we are used to are not enough. researchers found injectable vaccines offered less profession for children and elderly. new statistics should not be a reason to avoid getting a flu shot. the author say time for the u.s. to put more money and
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time into developing new vaccines that offer better protection. we are following developing news in san francisco, a street fight closes busy intersection in the mission district. developing news on the peninsula, firefighters on the scene of a fire at a popular business. >> what police are saying about the arrest of a man caught in surveillance video dropping his pants in a busy store.
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